Tag Archives: Windows 2008

Oracle Client Installer crash during Installation on Windows

An old solution to  a new problem.

When running   an Oracle client (19 in my case) installation on a windows 2019 server, the installation opened a new command window and immediately crashed.

After taking a video of the crash I was able to see that the message was:

Starting  Oracle Universal Installer ..

Checking monitor: must be configure to display at least 256 colors Higher than 256. Actual 4294967296 Passed

Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from C:\Users\{username}\AppData\local\temp\ ….

Please wait … Error: Unable to access jarfile C:\{installer directory}

Google provided little help until I remembered the solution described in my own post from 14 years ago (OUI.EXE has stopped working on Windows 2008).

Apparently, The simple solution to  many Oracle Installer problems is Copying the installer directory to a location with a short path and no spaces in the directory path.

For example “C:\temp\”  instead of “C:\Users\username\Downloads\oracle installer downlod\setup.exe”.

So, 14 years have passed, Windows 2008 is now Windows 2019 and this weird bug is not fixed. At least the workaround still works

OUI.EXE has stopped working on Windows 2008

If you are trying to install Oracle client on a Windows 2008 server and you get the following error:

OUI.EXE has stopped working
Close the program


For some reason, the Oracle installer is having problem with long directory structures.
To overcome this, you can simply copy the installtion directory to a location with a shorter path.

    1)create a new Temp directory on the root of your drive
    2)copy the installtion files to this directory. it is possible that windows will say that ” you need permission to perform this action”. This could be overcome by turning off the User Account Control (UAC) but a simpler soulution would be to copy the files using the command promptmove “10203_vista_w2k8_x86_production_client” c:\temp\ (weird, but it works)
    3) run the installer from the new location.