Simple solution for ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed

If the Oracle client was installed using the domain administrator account instead of the local administrator, the following message could be displayed when trying to connect:

ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed

From the wording of the error message one could think that this error means that he is using the wrong password but this is not the case. To solve this:

1) Go to /oracle home/network/admin and open sqlnet.ora

2) Search forย  SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES= (NTS) and change it to

3) Save the file and try to connect, this should work

41 thoughts on “Simple solution for ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed

  1. manoj

    when change name
    error come ORACLE NOT AVILABE please give me solution

  2. admin Post author

    if you are sure that oracle service is up (sometimes this message means that the service is not running) try to open the command line and type set oracle_sid=your_sid_name and than SQLPLUS and see if it works. It is possible that your oracle_sid parameter is not set.

  3. Asaf Tal Post author

    @Robert, what are you trying to do when you get the ora-01031? this message is shown when the user is trying to do something (create a table or a view for example) without the right permission.
    This actually means that you are connected and it probably did work for you.

  4. Sammy

    I have to add, I was trying to connect using sever explorer db connection in Visual Studio 2010 premium.

  5. javi

    Just to clarify, this has to be done on the client machine. And restart Toad or whatever client application you are using

    thanks again!

  6. Mark

    A simple fix that actually fixes the issue in hand (I rarely find them these days)
    5:00pm panic averted!

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